For Book Trust, I wrote about how my old nemesis, Pamela the goat, barged her way into The Orphans of St Halibut’s to become the star.

Reading Zone Q & A, on subjects including my previous jobs, creating baddies, my favourite writing snacks, and a few hints about the sequel to The Orphans of St Halibut’s…

My Book Corner locked me in a basement and forced me to confess. Read the truth about writing The Orphans of St Halibut’s here.

I wrote about my favourite children’s book for A Little But A Lot. Clue: I used to keep a burst balloon in a jar.

I answered The Teacher Bookworm’s questions on her blog. Find out about my inspirations for the book, which character I’m most like, and my true feelings about goats…

Library Girl and Book Boy hosted me on the blog tour for The Oprhans of St Halibut’s. Here I talk about how I became a writer.